Discover 6397 brand clothes, pieces to be worn without moderation in all seasons. Fall for a pair of pants or a sweater that will quickly become the new fashion essential in your wardrobe.
The pitch of the fashion brand 6397 ? Nothing but pieces with perfect and timeless lines, out of time and far from the trends. Basic essentials, great classics revisited, the bottom of the wardrobe we all dream of. The good black sweater, the ultimate jeans, the simple jacket that goes everywhere, the pants with impeccable cut, the darling tee-shirt with nothing on it... No logo, no fuss, no bling bling... Strong androgynous pieces, easy to live with every day, with a special mention for the jeans, darling of the brand. The idea is to deepen each theme from season to season, to perfect the concept rather than renewing everything with each collection. Sustainable clothing more than fashion. Not commonplace in the fashionsphere! So for the curious, 6397 is not the zip code of New York City, just the name of this New York brand, which mixes boyish style, colors minimal neutrals and perfect cuts. Stella Ishii, the designer, says she simply typed the letters of the word NEWS on her phone keyboard, which gives 6397. As simple as that! Like her collections, which have no other ambition than to fill the void of other brands on some really essential ...